Welcome back to our first Roadside to Resus episode for 2023!
We’re back with the huge topic that is COPD. In this episode we’re going to delve into the depths of the topic, helping us to deliver the best possible care for this frequently encountered presentation.
Along with the standard coverage from incidence, to pathophysiology, to presentation and treatment, we’ll also be covering those topics that you’ve specifically asked for;
- The mechanism behind hypercapnoeic respiratory failure, in those patients given to much oxygen
- Is there a role for end tidal CO2 interpretation in those spontaneously ventilating in acute exacerbations of COPD
- How do we tease out those for home care versus those that require hospital admission
- What is the role of Magnesium in these patients
Once again we’d love to hear any comments or questions either via the website or social media.
Simon, Rob & James
Now that you have listened to the podcast, start the quiz to add it to your CPD Diary
NICE; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in over 16s:diagnosis and management
Pathology, pathogenesis and pathophysiology; ABC of COPD. MacNee. BMJ. 2006
Specialist emergency care and COPD outcomes. Lane. BMJ OPEN Respiratory Research. 2017
NEWS 2 – too little evidence to implement? Hodgson. Clincal Medicine. 2018
BTS; Guideline for oxygen use in healthcare and emergency settings
PHEMCAST; end tidal carbon dioxide
Great Podcast as always – thank you. On the use of ETCO2 in the prehospital environment, whilst the value is irrelevant due to the reasons outlined by Simon, it is useful as it gives an accurate rate. I always use it for that reason alone #justsayin.
really awesome topic – thanks for the update