Newborn Life Support

So last month we considered Maternal Emergencies and the approach and interventions we can make in order to minimise complications during pregnancy and during childbirth. As promised this month we’re looking at the next step along the process and focussing on Newborn Life Support.

The new ERC guidelines for 2021 have just been released and are shown below.

2021 ERC Guidelines

Dealing with newborns has the potential to be really stressful but hopefully by concentrating on the fundamentals and guidelines we’ll all be able to approach the situation with greater confidence.

Let us know any thought and comments you have on the podcast.


SimonRob & James

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European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021

RCUK; resuscitation guidelines resuscitation and support transition babies birth

Admission temperature of low birth weight infants: predictors and associated morbidities. Abbot R Laptook. Pediatrics. 2007

NICE 2014; Initial assessment of the newborn baby and mother–baby bonding

Defining the Reference Range for Oxygen Saturation for Infants After Birth. Jennifer A. Dawson. Pediatrics June 2010
A comparison between the two methods of chest compression in infant and neonatal resuscitation. A review according to 2010 CPR guidelines. Alexandros Douvanas. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018
Comparing the two-finger versus two-thumb technique for single person infant CPR: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Michael G Millin. Resuscitation. 2020
Plastic bags for prevention of hypothermia in preterm and low birth weight infants. Alicia E Leadford. Pediatrics. 2013
Randomized trial of plastic bags to prevent term neonatal hypothermia in a resource-poor setting. Theodore C Belsches. Pediatrics. 2013
Randomized trial of plastic bags to prevent term neonatal hypothermia in a resource-poor setting. Theodore C Belsches. Pediatrics. 2013
Delayed vs early umbilical cord clamping for preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Michael Fogarty. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018

Course Content


  • ptmunro says:

    Many thank. This was very good indeed but I will have to listen more than once as there is a lot of information here. I especially liked the explanations of the physiological transitions in the respiratory and circulatory systems at birth. these are very clear and, as the authors say, would have been handy years ago.

  • David leonard says:

    Lot of information to take in. May have to listen again to parts to get a real understanding.

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