Why? We are passionate that expert delivery of intubation, both in emergency anaesthesia and cardiac arrest, is vital in delivering excellent care to critically unwell patients. When delivered incorrectly it can lead to disastrous outcomes. Getting the environment and materials to learn these skills throughout our own training was a
The Resus Room
Because critically ill patients deserve the best in critical care; and we all have a part in delivering it
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Why? Cardiac Arrest Management is key to patient survival and we can make a huge difference to patient outcomes What In this masterclass we will cover the key areas where we as clinicians and systems designers can improve our delivery of cardiac arrest management How A series of short talks
Why? Delivering the best care to our patients matters. Whether this is provided in the prehospital or in-hospital environment it is based on solid foundations and shared learning. Sedation is best delivered in a team-based approach, with all members familiar with its intricacies. What? Sedation forms a key part of
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The Podcast
A wide range of Emergency Medicine topics discussed each month alongside a few Dad jokes.
PE’s (or Pulmonary Emboli) are a key part of Emergency Care, something that many of us will consider as a differential diagnosis multiple times of a daily basis, in a similar way to acute coronary syndrome, so we need to be absolute experts on the topic! A PE normally occurs
Welcome back after the summer break! Three more papers for you to feast your ears on this month and as always make sure you go and check them out yourselves after you’ve had a listen! First up, following on really nicely from the DOSE-VF paper on dual sequential defibrillation we
The UK REBOA trial left many with doubts over its utility for trauma patients in ED. The time from injury to its use was around 90 minutes and the trial was stopped when it didn’t reduce and maybe even increased mortality compared to standard care alone. But what effect does
Acute Kidney Injury is common, complicated and holds significant morbidity and mortality. But if we recognise it, we can make a real difference to our patients’ outcomes. In this episode we run through the anatomy, physiology and aetiologies. We have a think about the multitude of definitions of AKI and
There’s a huge paper to talk about this month in the PREOXI trial, a multi centre RCT looking at the pre oxygenation strategy in critically unwell patients undergoing RSI, with patients either getting high flow oxygen through a facemask or NIV. The results are pretty remarkable and may well be
So this month we’re looking at major incidents and specifically the triage process that is now coming into play in the UK and further afield that you need to know about! We normally stick pretty strongly to clinical topics; they’re pretty easy to focus on because you can imagine how
I really enjoyed the podcast and it always poses the question “What would I do in that situation”, good to get the grey matter working
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