Paediatric Arrest

The management of a cardiac arrest can be stressful at the best of times, but add into that the patient being a child and you have the potential for an overwhelmingly stressful situation.

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Fortunately the major resuscitation bodies have some sound guidance on the management of paediatric arrests. In this episode we run through some of those guidelines and also the evidence base on the topic (scant at best!). We also touch on conveyance of the prehospital paediatric arrest, bringing familiy into the resuscitation area and knowing when to cease resuscitation.

We hope the podcast helps you prepare that little bit more for the next case you might see and that it may also ease the stress of such an emotive case.

SimonRob & James

References & Further Reading

APLS; Resus Council

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in children. Antti Kämäräinen. J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2010

APLS weight estimation – don’t do it (well almost never). St.Emlyn’s

Time on the scene and interventions are associated with improved survival in pediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Janice A. Tijssen. Resuscitation. 2015


  • olivercd says:

    Hi Lads, what an amazing podcast, thankfully this is not something I have had to deal with yet but having just started working on the Childrens Ambulance over here in Ireland the insight and knowledge is vital to me.

    Keep up the good work – your expertise is invaluable

    Kind regards

  • Amanda Henesy says:


    Thank you, really good podcast, it’s nice to hear the emotion behind it. Really good tips and it interesting hearing them from the hospital and pre-hospital setting.
    I work for SWAST and these situations are never easy.

    Again Thanks


  • Mark says:

    Thank you. As an ECA with SWAST I found this very helpful.

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