Chemicals, amputation and more…

We were delighted to be back to cover the joint Faculty of Prehospital Care and BASICS conference, day 2,  held at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Again we were absolutely spoilt for choice when it came to content for the podcasts but we managed to catch up with:

• Dr Anne Weaver – a consultant in Emergency Medicine and Prehospital Care working for the Royal London Hospital and London HEMS. She talked to us about chemical burns and a novel treatment for managing these injuries.
• Dr Virginia Beckett – an Obstetrics and Gynaecology consultant who is a member of the mMOET working group and has recently published on the topic of cardiac arrest in pregnancy. She was talking on the topic of resuscitative hysterotomy.
• Sam Cooper – a Critical Care Paramedic from Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance who discussed a case of prehospital amputation and the learning points that arose from it.
• Dr Rob Lloyd – an Emergency Medicine trainee, blogger and fellow podcaster who has an interest in performance psychology. He talked about Mental Toughness, framed by his experiences working in a hospital deep in a South African township.

Once again, our thanks to Caroline Leech for being instrumental in the organisation of today and inviting us up. We’re already looking forward to next year….


SimonRob & James




PHOTON Research

A video showing a similar demonstration to the one at the conference showing why Diphoterine works and the limitations of water

Pre-hospital Obstetric Emergency Training; POET

VA Beckett, M Knight, P Sharpe, 2017, ‘The CAPS Study: incidence, management and outcomes of cardiac arrest in pregnancy in the UK: a prospective, descriptive study’, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, vol. 124, no. 9, pp. 1374-1381

Realtime simulation of peri-mortem c-section; Bradford Teaching Hospital

K. M. Porter, 2010, ‘Prehospital amputation’, Emergency Medicine Journal, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 940-942

Caroline Leech, Keith Porter, 2016, ‘Man or machine? An experimental study of prehospital emergency amputation’, Emergency Medicine Journal, vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 641-644

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