Papers of September ’17

So we’re back with some superb topics this month;

  • Early or late intubation in ICU patients, which is associated with worse outcomes?
  • What are the predictors of a poor outcome in patients presenting with syncope?
  • Does a cervical collar result in a demonstrable raise in ICP viewed by ultrasound?

Make sure you take a look at the papers yourself, they certainly provide food for thought and raise important questions in our practice

Let us know any thoughts and feedback you have on the podcast and thanks for your support with the podcast



  • Jonathan Jones says:

    Thanks Simon and Rob for the continued excellence. Re the syncope paper. It occurs to me that it’s all well and good admitting these patients…but does doing so improve the outcome for them?

    • Simon Laing says:

      Thanks Jon.

      I think that’s a really valid point but sadly the benefit gained by admission for ‘high risk syncope’ as opposed to discharge doesn’t have a decent evidence base (to my knowledge anyway).

      At least working with the evidence that does exist on the likelihood of a good/bad outcome depending on presenting factors facilitates an informed discussion with our patients regarding why we suggest admission and discharge and a joint decision as to the best option for that individual.

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